Traveling in 2.5 kilometers Malioboro Yogyakarta

Traveling in 2.5 kilometers Malioboro Yogyakarta Every time you hear the word Malioboro, your mind will immediately focus on the city of Yogyakarta. Because Malioboro is one of the popular icons in Yogyakarta. Every tourist will definitely not miss the opportunity to set foot, and satisfy themselves in exploring every corner of Malioboro, Yogyakarta. Location […]

Cultural Tourism in the Yogyakarta Palace

Cultural Tourism in the Yogyakarta Palace Yogyakarta City is not only known as a tourist city. But Yogyakarta is also a city that has thick cultural values. In this city of the Sultan Hamengkubuwono, you will see that the customs and culture of the Javanese people are still well preserved, despite being in the midst […]

Prambanan Temple Yogyakarta

Prambanan Temple Yogyakarta The city of Yogyakarta not only has amazing beach tourism destinations. This tourist city on the island of Java also offers tourists other tourist destinations, which you can explore on your vacation trips. For those of you who are bored with the atmosphere of the beach, you can also visit historical tourism […]

Explore the charming Borobudur Temple

Exploring the Charming Borobudur Temple Anyone must be very familiar with Borobudur Temple. Because this building is one of the wonders and the largest Buddhist Temple in the world. Every tourist who sets foot in the province of Central Java or Yogyakarta, certainly will not miss the opportunity to be able to visit a temple […]