Berwisata Ke Kawah Ijen Banyuwangi

Berwisata Ke Kawah Ijen Banyuwangi Siapa yang tidak kenal Kawah Ijen Banyuwangi? Sebuah kawasan wisata alam berupa danau yang berada di atas Gunung Ijen. Genangan air di kawah ini nampak sangat menakjubkan. Sehingga banyak wisatawan baik asing maupun lokal yang tertarik, untuk mengunjungi kawasan wisata gunung berapi yang masih aktif ini. Lokasi Kawah Ijen Banyuwangi […]
Pulau Tabuhan Yang Indah

Pulau Tabuhan Yang Indah Pantai merupakan salah satu tempat favorit banyak orang untuk berwisata. Suasana alam pantai yang indah, dan berbagai hal menarik yang bisa dilakukan di lokasi wisata berair ini, merupakan bagian yang mampu menyegarkan tubuh dan pikiran, atas lelahnya rutinitas harian. Salah satunya adalah yang bisa Anda rasakan saat berlibur ke Pulau Tabuhan, […]
Beautiful Tabuhan Island

Beautiful Tabuhan Island The beach is one of the favorite places for many people to travel. The beautiful natural atmosphere of the beach, and various interesting things that can be done at this watery tourist location, are parts that are able to refresh the body and mind, for the tiredness of the daily routine. One […]
Ijen Banyuwangi Crater

Who does not know the Ijen Banyuwangi Crater? A natural tourist area in the form of a lake that is above Mount Ijen. Puddle of water in this crater looks very amazing. So that many tourists, both foreign and local interested, to visit this active volcano tourism area. Ijen Crater Location The tourism object of […]
Red Island Banyuwangi

Red Island Banyuwangi (Red Land Hill in the Middle of the Sea) In 2013, the Banyuwangi Regional Government published a new tourism destination in Banyuwangi. The destination is named Red Island Banyuwangi or Red Island (Pulo Merah) tourism. The naming of Red Island is because there is a red earthed hill in the middle of […]
Banyuwangi G-Land Beach

Banyuwangi G-Land Beach the Best Waves in South East Asia As the name suggests, Banyuwangi does save the beauty of maritime tourism that is extraordinary. Awarded the long coastline, Banyuwangi has many beach tourism destinations. One of them is Banyuwangi G-Land Beach. This tourist destination is often also called Plengkung beach. G-Land Beach is a […]