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Pink Beach Lombok

Lombok is one of the many small islands that Indonesia has. Although classified as a small island, Lombok has the beauty of the extraordinary charm of the beach. Call it Pink Beach Lombok or commonly called Tangsi Beach. This beach is known for its unique pink sand. The length of the coast is about 1.5 kilometers with a distance of 6 meters along with the hills around it forming a small bay that can make tourists fall in love.

In addition, Lombok Pink Beach has several small islands in the sea called dyke. It also becomes more attraction for tourists to visit small islands when traveling to Pink Beach. So what are the attractions of the other Lombok Pink Beach? Check out the following discussion.

Mute Witnesses of Japanese Colonialism

Not without reason Pink Beach, commonly referred to as Tangsi Beach. That said, the name of the statue came from the Japanese colonial era. At that time, this coastal area became a port especially as a barracks for the Japanese army. Meanwhile, local fishermen only use this beach as a transit. At a distance of a few meters from the coast there is a Japanese heritage cave. This cave was allegedly the location of Japanese army hideouts during World War II.

Beach Tourism with Reddish Berefek Sand

Of course tourists are curious about how the beach has pink sand. Apparently, pink sand is only an effect of a conspiracy of natural beauty. Pink white sand beach mixed with fragments of red coral beads and then reddish effect when swept by the waves that touch the shoreline. At the same time the reflection from the sun plus exposure to sea water makes the pink color on the sand brighter. As a result the reddish effect is very varied as in the morning the reddish effect is around 20-30%, in the afternoon 50% and towards the reddish color look increasingly clear between 80-90% until the sun sets.

Pink Beach Tourism Location Lombok

Pink Beach Lombok tourist location is on the east coast of the island of Lombok. It is located in the village of Sekaroh, Jerowaru District, East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Although the journey to get there is quite difficult but all will be paid off with the beauty of the charm of the beach.

Thus a brief discussion of Pink Beach Lombok tourism. It is recommended that tourists always maintain the beauty and cleanliness of the beach area. In addition, it is better for tourists to plan to return before late at night. For the convenience and safety of your tour, Lombok tour packages are available on our service,

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